This year’s International Exhibition & Conference on Agriculture Technologies, AGRITECH was held at Kenyatta National Conference Center. The event started on 19th June through 21st in which over 175 companies from over 25 countries across the globe participated.
Progressive farmers, Dairy Farmers, Dealers, Distributors, Importers, and Government officials graced the event to showcase some of the products, technologies, and farming methods that the farmers in the country can use to boost the production.
Dairy livestock & poultry Expo Africa and Graintech Africa were also organized as concurrent events which included companies from Dairy, Poultry, Livestock, and Grain related sectors.
This year event highly focused on farming machines and farming inputs. The event was quite educative as visitors got to understand more on matters Agri Ecology, horticulture, irrigation and water technologies, biotechnology, fertilizer and chemicals, plasticulture, software and hardware usable in farming to improve productivity, greenhouses and veterinary issues among many others as this was a very comprehensive forum.
Currently, the country’s agricultural production has a direct influence on the overall economic performance as it contributes highly to its GDP.
Therefore, coming up with such a forum seeking to educate the farmers on how they can use technology to address food security in the country will play a key role in boosting production.
As the country seeks to be globally competitive, and prosperous with its citizens being subjected to a quality life in a decade, such forums will help to achieve this dream as educating the farmer is equivalent to addressing food shortage in a nation.
Recent report by World Bank indicates that 48.55 per cent of land area in the country is agricultural, but only around 10.19 per cent is arable land.
With effective use of such forums, then we expect to see better use of such land in which not only the farmer will stand to benefit, but also the country’s economy at large.