Finding a house to relocate to in the urban centers has been viewed as big hustle by many, and time consuming as one has to move from door to doors, building to building looking for a vacant house.
It is from the hustle that Alex Kamanda, when a Kibabii University student got an idea to connect the tenants with the landlords after spending much of his time looking for a house for his parents to move in to.
In his search, he found it hard to access some houses as they had perimeter walls, high gates making it to access despite them having empty units.
“Without putting out accurate information about your property, you are keeping out potential customers who end occupying poor houses that lack essential amenities like roads and street lighting,” he says.
Mr. Kamande’s family took a week to look for a house to shift to. But for Alex, a Computer Science Student it was an opportunity to come up with an app that would assist Nairobians to identify vacant rental properties with ease.
“Busy people now utilize our platform at a mall fee to access the products available while property dealers source feedback via the platform helping them improve their property for higher occupancy,” he adds.
However, he faced challenges as many fraudsters could use the platform for their gain, forcing him to start visiting the property owners before enlisting their property. Also, he made it a requirement for developers in the platform to pay Sh10 for uploads made after their first upload of property.
“Videos on demand is the next frontier as it gives people a true picture of what to expect on properties. We charge Sh100 per video upload but customers searching for products enjoy free access,” he says.
Mr. Kamande later analyses and gives the generated data to developers at a fee in a bid to earn himself a source of living.
Currently, clients wishing to have software’s developed do have to part with between Sh100, 000 to Sh500,00 depending on the software purpose and properties, but for Mr. Kamande this was not an issue as Sh2,500 is the only cost he underwent to register the app on google for having studied the field.
After a year now, he expanded the site to enable clients to buy and sell properties through it. Some of the properties include houses and vacant parcels of land across Kenya.
“This is the best way to make money since it affirms credibility of the site,” he says.
Mr. Kamanda has gone further to start developing websites for small and medium enterprises and also manage client’s social accounts.
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