About 10,000 housing units are set to be constructed in Kilifi County over the next four years under the affordable housing programme.
The move by the national government to spent 17 billion shillings in equipping the Technical Educational and Vocational Training institutions is to purposely help the students get required technical skills and knowledge so that they can be able to earn a living from the project in the near future.
Housing Principal Secretary Charles Hinga said that the government’s plan to construct half a million affordable housing using across the country is off the dock, and is to be achieved before 2022.
The project involves all the counties as they will be expected to facilitate the construction of at least 10,000 units each in line with the Big Four Agenda.
The Principal Secretary said that the programme aims to enable Kenyans to own homes at an affordable rate payable for 25 years.
The national government has set aside 17 billion shillings to aid the provision of the required skills to the students by their Technical Educational and Vocational Training institutions so that they can later play a pivotal role in the housing sector in the country.
The PS added that the government is working to uplift the juakali industry as it has awarded a tender to three juakali associations to make doors and windows for the first affordable housing project in Park Road in Nairobi County.
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