The United States of America drafts a bill that will see the current immigration system overhauled to favor more merit-based one.
President Trump allegedly presented the bill to his Cabinet on Tuesday; a senior administration official told Reuters.
The President was to hold a meeting with the Republican congressional leaders Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy to discuss a way forward for the officials who asked for their names to remain anonymous.
“The goal is to unify the Republicans as much as possible around a plan,” the official said.
However, the dates on when the bill is to be introduced to Congress are yet to be disclosed.
“We’ll see what leader McConnell and McCarthy want to do if they want to put it for a vote. But at least the Democrats will know what the unified Republican position is.” the official added.
The President has been seeking for funds to construct the southern border wall which he had pledged so to tackle the immigrant’s disaster.
Through his administration, he had vowed to make it hard for the immigrants from the southern border to enter the country.
The merit-based immigration system proposed will see the country change its family-based immigrants’ priority as 75 percent of the green cards holders for US residency do have family ties to people in the US.