The Kenyan community can celebrate a milestone . In the last Month or two the number of youth empowerment workshops competitions and conferences means the message is finally reaching home .
The Sunday school competitions and the Safe bridges Workshops are just a few of the ongoing projects with great success . Face of Kenya charity work engaging the youth on Leadership was a great success.
It is prudent that we as Kenyans and responsible citizens regardless of our ethnic background ensure we can build on this continued progress.
There is also a critical need to involve young people in decisions that will affect them. “We cannot talk about sustainable development without the active involvement of youth,” “When we give young people decent jobs, political weight, negotiating muscle, and real influence in our world, they will create a better future.”
Also essential is empowering women and girls, and ensuring their sexual and reproductive health and human rights, This would enable them to determine when and whom to marry and the number of their children.
Let us take these ideas forward to harness the demographic dividend, holding human rights, gender equality, human capital, and dignity at the centre of all our investments, Only by ensuring opportunities that open the future to all young people do we create a better future.