Visa applicants will be required to provide their social media details as the United States begin to enforce the proposal tabled last year.
Some of the information they will have to provide will be their social media names, emails, and phone activities in the last five years, for the Visa application to be processed.
It is estimated that close to 15 million people submit visa applications annually and hence, they will be affected by the new proposal.
“National security is our top priority when adjudicating visa applications, and every prospective traveler and immigrant to the United States undergoes extensive security screening.”
“We are constantly working to find mechanisms to improve our screening processes to protect U.S. citizens while supporting legitimate travel to the United States,” the State Department told Associated Press.
The applicants who will be found to have lied on any of the above details will be subjected to severe immigration consequences as per the rules which only exempts some diplomats and officials.
Other details to be submitted include International travel data, deportation status and a review about traveler’s family status on terrorist activities.
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