2.1 Rationale for developing the Policy
The Constitution of Kenya and the Kenya Vision 2030 recognise the potential of Kenyans Abroad in contributing to national development. This potential has not been fully exploited, partly due to the absence of a policy to engage them. This policy, therefore, contains specific measures and interventions, including, the requisite legal and institutional framework that will be put in place to address past weaknesses that have impeded full participation and contribution of Kenyans Abroad in the development of the country.
Moreover, Kenyans Abroad are passionate about their homeland and are eager to share positive information about their country in their respective countries of residence, making it easy to leverage on their presence with a view to promoting Kenya’s tourism, export, image, culture and goodwill.
Further, it is noted that Kenya has a well-trained labour force. Past experience has shown that Kenyans who have gone to work in other countries have performed very well. With a constrained labour market in Kenya, it is imperative that Kenya plans to deliberately export its labour, and hence, put in place, the necessary regulatory framework that will protect Kenyans who migrate abroad under this arrangement. This will generate the highly needed foreign exchange.
2.2 Policy Objectives
The broad objective of this policy is to mainstream and empower Kenyans Abroad to effectively make a significant contribution to the development of the country. The main thrust of the policy, therefore, is to harness and maximize the potential of Kenyans Abroad to contribute to Kenya’s transformation agenda while at the same time meeting their needs and expectations through a mutually beneficial and lasting partnership.
The specific objectives of this Policy are to:- 1. Develop and implement strategies to engage, empower and mainstream Kenyans Abroad into national development process; 2. Mobilize Kenyans Abroad to form town, city or country specific umbrella associations which have a national outlook as well as regional and global umbrella associations for effective engagement and representation;
3. Develop measures to enhance protection of Kenyans Abroad; 4. Develop mechanisms for dialogue and partnership with Kenyans Abroad; and 5. Establish the necessary institutional mechanism for co-ordination and administration of issues affecting Kenyans Abroad. 2.3 Guiding Principles
This policy is based on the following principles:- a) Recognition of the important role played by Kenyans Abroad in the socioeconomic development of the country and the need to synergise the efforts of all stakeholders in the Diaspora issues;
b) Participation. All the stakeholders will be involved and fully participate in policy formulation together with all the issues that directly affect them, to enable appropriate responses that specific expectations into account;
c) Engagement: Kenyans abroad will continuously be engaged in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation to provide feedback and facilitate timely policy interventions;
d) Empowerment -through this policy, Kenyans Abroad will be empowered to invest in Kenya, leverage remittances and deepen knowledge and technology transfer;
e) Coordination. This policy will provide a mechanism where all the activities relating to Kenyans abroad will be well coordinated among all the stakeholders to eliminate overlaps and duplication;
f) Gender and youth responsiveness- this principle will seek to recognize that a gender-balanced Policy can lead to appropriate responses that take specific expectations into account;
g) Decentralisation-in conformity with the Constitution of Kenya critical functions of the national Government have been devolved to the County Governments. Initiatives aimed at harnessing the potential of Kenyans Abroad will be facilitated for the mutual benefit all Kenyan, in and outside the country. The Ministry will work closely with County Governments to facilitate mutually beneficial engagements with Kenyans Abroad.
Jubilee Objectives as a party as per Manifesto :
Putting Kenyans First
The Jubilee Party is committed to helping all Kenyans build communities. We
want to ensure that no one is left behind as we work together to deliver growth
and prosperity that reaches and uplifts all Kenyans.
More Kenyans than ever before can now rely on continued electricity to light
their way and enable them to relax with their family, complete their school work
and continue economic activity into the evenings.
The Following is a Comparison of Two Nairobi and Charagita :
The Abject Poverty and Challenges is prevalent across The County . This is not a presidential fault .
The County Government and Local Leadership is failing in Most areas . We must engage Diaspora or Urban Communities to support this communities .
This is across the Nation with some areas just about Managing . The government must do the following to support :
1. Civic Education
2. Youth and Leadership empowerment Workshops .
3.New agricultural and Employment Strategies .
4.Support for community projects .