A program has been launched by the county government to eliminate Macadamia brokers. The program will see all macadamia farmers get registered in which they will later be grouped according to their zones and produce.
“Once we cluster the farmers, it will be difficult for the brokers to get an opportunity to exploit them since there will be a strict predetermined price for the nuts,” said Agricultural Executive Jakan Gutu.
According to Gutu, this program is fundamental as it will also aid in reducing nuts theft as only the registered farmers will be able to deliver nuts to the established centres. This assures the farmers of transparency and that their efforts will reap fruits.
“This stringent requirement is meant to safeguard the interests of our farmers, and I must assure some of the buyers who have in the past collected the nuts and disappeared without payments that it will not be business as usual,” Gutu warned.
Plans are also underway to have the farmers educated on the best farming practices for more returns as the ministry is geared to doubling the production from the current 400,000 kg a year.
“Right now, the quantity available is little to sustain demand both locally and internationally,” he said.
This comes after farmers made a complaint last week of their produce being stolen urging the government to improve security. Currently, the farmers pocket Sh170 for a kilo of nuts something which has been attributed to the theft.
Brokers and middlemen are also on the receiving end for fueling the nuts thefts after an underproduction this season.

Source: https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/business/article/2001314687/macadamia-farmers-to-be-registered
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